How to Tell If a Hockey Stick is Right Or Left Handed : Choose the Perfect Fit

To determine if a hockey stick is right or left-handed, check which hand you hold your top hand on the stick.

How to Tell If a Hockey Stick is Right Or Left Handed  : Choose the Perfect Fit


Physical Differences

When it comes to determining whether a hockey stick is meant for a right or left-handed player, there are key physical differences to consider.

Curve Direction

  • A left-handed stick curve points to the left.
  • A right-handed stick curve points to the right.

Lie Angle

  1. Lie angle affects how the stick sits on the ice.
  2. For right-handed players, lie angle is usually lower.
  3. For left-handed players, lie angle is higher.

Determining Dominant Hand

To determine if a hockey stick is right or left-handed, observe which hand the player predominantly uses at the top of the stick. The dominant hand dictates the stick’s orientation for optimal control and performance.

Shooting Hand Dominance Test

If you are new to hockey and unsure about which hand to use as your dominant shooting hand, don’t worry – there are simple tests you can perform to figure it out. The shooting hand, also known as the dominant hand in hockey, is the hand you use to hold the top part of the stick while shooting. Identifying your dominant shooting hand is crucial for achieving accuracy and power in your shots. It determines whether you should use a left-handed or right-handed stick.

To determine your shooting hand dominance, try the following test:

  1. Think about which hand you use to hold a broom or shovel. If you generally use your left hand for this task, then you are likely left-handed. If you use your right hand, then you are probably right-handed.
  2. Try mimicking a shooting motion with an imaginary hockey stick. Stand facing a wall and hold your hands as if you were gripping a stick. Now, pull your top hand back and push it forward as if you were taking a shot. Pay attention to which hand feels more comfortable in the shooting position. If your left hand feels more natural in this position, then you are likely left-handed. If your right hand feels more comfortable, then you are likely right-handed.
  3. Ask a friend or family member to push you from behind while standing on one leg. The leg you instinctively use for balance will generally correspond to your dominant shooting hand. If you put your left leg forward, then you are likely left-handed. If you put your right leg forward, then you are likely right-handed.

Remember, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to your shooting hand, as it ultimately depends on your personal preference and comfort. Once you have determined your shooting hand dominance, you can move on to the next step: identifying your stickhandling hand.

Stickhandling Hand Dominance Test

The stickhandling hand, also known as the bottom hand in hockey, is the hand you use to grip the lower part of the stick while controlling the puck. Identifying your stickhandling hand is essential for maintaining control and executing smooth stick movements. Similar to determining shooting hand dominance, there are tests you can perform to determine your stickhandling hand.

To determine your stickhandling hand dominance, try the following test:

  1. Hold a hockey stick as if you were stickhandling. Notice which hand you prefer to have on the bottom of the stick, closer to the blade. If you feel more comfortable with your left hand in this position, then you are likely left-handed. If your right hand feels more natural, then you are likely right-handed.
  2. Try shooting a puck or ball with a stick using your left hand on top. If you have better control and accuracy when shooting with your left hand on top of the stick, then you are likely left-handed. Conversely, if your right hand on top produces better results, then you are likely right-handed.

It’s important to note that your shooting hand and stickhandling hand dominance may not align. Some players may shoot with their left hand but use their right hand for stickhandling (and vice versa).

In conclusion, determining your dominant hand in hockey is vital for choosing the correct stick and maximizing your performance on the ice. By performing simple tests for shooting hand and stickhandling hand dominance, you can gain a better understanding of your natural tendencies, enabling you to make more informed equipment choices and improve your game overall.

Try Both Sticks

How to Tell If a Hockey Stick is Right Or Left Handed

One effective way to determine if a hockey stick is right or left handed is to try both sticks. By trying out both options, you can assess which feels more natural and comfortable in your hands.

On-ice Testing

Take the hockey sticks onto the ice and test them out during practice or gameplay. Pay attention to which stick feels more comfortable when handling the puck and taking shots. This can help you determine which hand orientation suits your playing style best.

Off-ice Testing

Practice stickhandling and shooting with each stick off the ice to evaluate their performance. Pay close attention to your control, accuracy, and comfort level using each stick. This off-ice testing can provide insights into which hand orientation best suits your natural hockey abilities.

Consulting With A Professional

Sports Equipment Specialist

Schedule an appointment with a sports equipment specialist at your local sports store. They are trained to help you determine the correct hand orientation for your hockey stick based on your playing style and preference. The specialist will assess your hand positioning, grip, and stance to recommend the most suitable hockey stick for you.

Coach Or Trainer

Reach out to your hockey coach or trainer for personalized guidance. They can observe your playing techniques and offer valuable insights into whether you should use a right or left-handed hockey stick. Their expertise and experience will ensure that you receive tailored advice to optimize your performance on the ice.

Fitting The Stick To Your Body

When it comes to playing hockey, it is crucial to have the right equipment, including a properly fitting hockey stick. Fitting the stick to your body is essential for optimal performance, comfort, and control on the ice. Two important factors to consider when determining the correct stick for you are height and flexibility.

Height And Flexibility Consideration

Your height plays a key role in determining the appropriate length of your hockey stick. To find the right length, stand with your skates on and hold the stick upright against your body. The stick should reach the tip of your nose or chin, ensuring that it allows for comfortable handling and maneuverability.

Comfort And Control

Comfort and control are paramount when fitting a hockey stick to your body. A stick that is too long can feel awkward and affect your stickhandling abilities, while a stick that is too short can limit your reach on the ice. Finding the right balance is crucial for optimal performance.

Additionally, pay attention to the flexibility of the stick. Flexibility in a stick refers to its ability to bend under pressure. A stick with the right amount of flex allows for better control and shot power. Factors such as body weight and playing style can influence the ideal flex for you. As a general rule, a heavier player may require a stiffer stick, while a lighter player may benefit from a more flexible one.

By fitting the stick to your body, considering your height and flexibility, you can ensure a comfortable and controlled grip on the ice. Remember, when it comes to hockey sticks, the right fit can make all the difference in your gameplay.

How to Tell If a Hockey Stick is Right Or Left Handed  : Choose the Perfect Fit


Stick Handling

Stick handling is a crucial skill in hockey that requires precision and control to maneuver the puck effectively.

Puck Control Assessment

  • Assessing puck control helps determine if a hockey stick is suitable for right or left-handed players.

Dribbling And Dekeing

  1. Dribbling involves moving the puck back and forth using the stick’s blade.
  2. Dekeing requires quick stick movements to deceive opponents and maintain possession.

Proper stick handling is crucial for players to maintain control and execute strategic plays on the ice.

Shooting Accuracy

Shooting Accuracy: When determining if a hockey stick is right or left-handed, shooting accuracy plays a crucial role. Understanding the correct orientation of your stick can significantly impact your ability to aim and shoot accurately during gameplay.

Shooting Techniques

Mastering the proper shooting techniques is essential for achieving precision in hockey. Each player must align their stick with their dominant hand to ensure optimal control and accuracy on the ice.

Accuracy And Power

Accurate shooting relies on a blend of precision and power. A well-suited stick that matches your dominant hand can enhance your shooting capabilities, allowing for stronger and more accurate shots on goal.

Practice And Adjustment

To determine if a hockey stick is for a right or left-handed player, observe the position of the blade. A stick with the flat side on the right is for a left-handed player, and vice versa. Practice holding and maneuvering the stick for optimal performance on the ice.

Regular Practice Sessions

Regular practice is key to improving your hockey skills and determining if a stick is right or left-handed for you. By consistently practicing with your stick, you’ll develop a better feel for its grip, weight distribution, and overall comfort.

During your practice sessions, pay attention to how your stick feels in your hands. Does it feel natural and allow for comfortable handling of the puck? Is the curve of the blade aligned with your shooting style? These are crucial factors in determining if the stick is suitable for you.

It’s important to practice various shooting techniques, such as wrist shots, slap shots, and backhands, to understand how the stick responds in different situations. This will give you a better idea of your stick-handling abilities and help you make necessary adjustments.

Fine-tuning For Better Performance

Once you’ve identified a stick that feels comfortable and suits your playing style, you may need to make some adjustments to optimize your performance on the ice. Fine-tuning the stick can make a noticeable difference in your game.

One way to fine-tune your stick is by adjusting the length. A stick that is too long can hinder your control and maneuverability, while a stick that is too short may limit your reach and power. Experiment with different lengths to find the sweet spot that works best for you.

Another aspect to consider is the flex of the stick. The flex refers to how much the shaft of the stick bends when pressure is applied. It plays a significant role in generating power and accuracy in your shots. Different players prefer different flex ratings depending on their playing style and strength.

Lastly, keep an eye on the curve of the stick’s blade. The curve helps in controlling the puck and shooting accurately. Some players prefer a larger curve, while others opt for a smaller one. Experiment with different curves to find the one that complements your style of play.

In Conclusion

Regular practice sessions and fine-tuning your hockey stick are essential to determining if it is right or left-handed for you. By focusing on the grip, weight distribution, and overall comfort, as well as making necessary adjustments to the length, flex, and blade curve, you can optimize your performance on the ice. Remember, finding the perfect stick takes time and experimentation, but the effort is well worth it when it enhances your game.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When determining whether a hockey stick is right or left handed, there are common mistakes to avoid. Ignoring grip comfort and neglecting stick length are two key factors that often go overlooked.

Ignoring Grip Comfort

One of the common mistakes when choosing a hockey stick is ignoring the grip comfort. Many players fail to consider how the grip feels in their hands, which can significantly affect their performance on the ice.

Failing to prioritize a comfortable grip can lead to decreased control and accuracy while shooting and passing. Before making a purchase, it’s essential to ensure that the grip feels natural and secure in your hands, allowing you to have maximum control over the stick during gameplay.

Neglecting Stick Length

Another crucial mistake to avoid is neglecting the stick length. Choosing the wrong stick length can impact a player’s ability to maneuver the puck and skate efficiently.

An ill-fitted stick can lead to poor puck control and compromised agility on the ice. It’s important to select a stick that aligns with your height and playing style to optimize your performance during gameplay.

Maintenance And Care

Proper maintenance and care are essential for maximizing the lifespan and performance of a hockey stick. By regularly cleaning, drying, and inspecting for damage, players can ensure that their stick remains in top condition and ready for use during intense gameplay.

Cleaning And Drying

Regular cleaning of a hockey stick helps remove dirt and residue that can impact its performance. To clean, simply wipe it down with a damp cloth and mild soap. Ensure that excess moisture is dried using a dry cloth, and then allow the stick to air dry completely before using it again.

Inspecting For Damage

Frequent inspection is crucial for identifying any damage or wear and tear. Look for cracks, chips, or splintering on the blade and shaft. Additionally, check the stick’s flex and vibration during play, as these may indicate possible damage that needs attention.

How to Tell If a Hockey Stick is Right Or Left Handed  : Choose the Perfect Fit


Frequently Asked Questions On How To Tell If A Hockey Stick Is Right Or Left Handed

How To Determine If A Hockey Stick Is Right Or Left-handed?

To determine if a hockey stick is right or left-handed, check the side of the stick the blade is on when holding it perpendicular to the ground.

What Is The Significance Of Choosing The Right-handed Hockey Stick?

Choosing the right-handed hockey stick is crucial as it impacts your control, power, and accuracy when passing, shooting, and handling the puck.

How Can I Identify The Proper Hockey Stick For My Dominant Hand?

Identify the proper hockey stick for your dominant hand by assessing which hand you hold the stick with the lower hand acting as the fulcrum for control.

Can I Use A Right-handed Hockey Stick If I Am Left-handed?

If you are left-handed, it is advisable to use a left-handed hockey stick to ensure better control, power, and accuracy in your gameplay maneuvers.

What Are The Key Differences Between Right And Left-handed Hockey Sticks?

The key difference lies in the side of the stick where the blade is positioned, impacting the way players handle, pass, and shoot the puck.

Are There Any Benefits To Using The Correct-handed Hockey Stick?

Using the correct-handed hockey stick enhances your gameplay, improves control, and enables more accurate and powerful shots and passes.

How Does Using The Proper Hockey Stick Contribute To Overall Performance?

Using the proper hockey stick contributes to enhanced performance by providing better control, accuracy, and power in puck handling and shooting.


To determine if a hockey stick is right or left-handed, it’s crucial to understand the differences and key factors. By paying attention to the curvature, grip, and positioning of the stick, you can confidently identify its suitability. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, choosing the right stick will enhance your performance and ensure optimal handling.

Remember to keep these tips in mind to make the right choice and improve your game on the ice.

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Categories: Hockey Basics

Dameon Christiansen

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